Montag, 22. April 2013

It's sad to be alone

Hello! It's Bär!
I was a bit inactive for quite a while. The reason was that I moved to another city named Dortmund. It's been two weeks since and still I'm not that happy there. (well I just stay there 4 days in the week..)
I don't know why it's so difficult for me to find something positive in living there. But well, maybe it will get better in the next weeks.
It's just the beginning and yeah it's very new. :<

Lets continue with something other. Something more positive!
I drew a bit after some time without even glaring at a pen.
And I really enjoyed to draw this little Kakao.

Some detail-thing with much editing. It was for Facebook and Twitter.

And the finished piece!
I like how it turned out! It's some random motive but I really like those kind of pictures!

Well, till the next time!

1 Kommentar:

  1. Ich bin auch vor einigen Monaten umgezogen in eine mir noch ganz unbekannte Stadt und praktisch niemanden dort den ich kenne - kurz gesagt scheint mir das einzige Heilmittel gegen ankriechende trübe Gedanken einfach Aktivität. Dinge tun die man gern macht, die Stadt durchwühlen nach Flecken die einem gut gefallen könnten, wenn ersehnt Anschluss suchen über einen Kurs oder eine Party oder oder oder...
