Freitag, 5. September 2014

Brave and things

So yesterday I finished my comic for this years Connichi. It was a really short project since I just got contacted that I would be able to have a booth there to sell my things. Since I only had old stuff I really wanted to do something new what ended in a short week on my desk draing from morning to night and being tired. But it was worth it!

Fortunately I began with the cover etc a few days before I got contacted, so I had just to draw the pages and a few extra pictures!

I'm really curious what everyone will think after reading. I hope only good things, but well you will never know!
I myself can say I'm somewhat content with the outcome. Sure I need to learn many things more, but at the moment it is the best I could do.

Now that I'm finished ... I don't know what to do. It is really funny since most of the time when I draw a story I'm like: "Aw please be done, I want to do this and that."
But when I'm done, then I'm so done inside that I can't decide what to do. I hope that will change tomorrow since it is really exhausting to do nothing.

That was it for now. I will do another post soon where I talk about doing the pages and illustrations. Also I will share with you a few pages!

Have a nice day,

Ps: Who wants to preorder, here is the detailed information:

Freitag, 20. Juni 2014

Mimi Part I

Long time no see ... echhem.
Well here I'm again and I share some pictures from my character and the others from Idol0815 with you!

Hope you like,

Mittwoch, 26. März 2014

Good morning in the morning

Here I am. Again.
This time with another picture and a gif of the drawing process!

 Wait a bit after the last one, if you want to see it again! 10 seconds are to much time, but I was to lazy to correct that!
This time I practiced perspective, since I'm not that good at it. Still the beginning, but I think it's fine.

Have a nice day,

Dienstag, 25. März 2014


My english isn't good at the moment.
It's really hard for me to find a proper beginning, but I think I got it now.

Currently I'm searching for a room. Since... it feels like forever.
Wish me luck, that I get accepted for something before the April starts. It's impossible but I don't want to give up.
Since I have some free time till the third semester starts I did some things. I will show you the most recent ones today!

I'm trying some things and this were some results. Not perfect, but maybe the beginning.

The last one was the first try to create some scene. Unfortunately I see a really big mistake there.
I will do it right in the next one!

Have a nice day,

Donnerstag, 30. Januar 2014


Yaku and I are really busy with the preparations for the Leipziger Bookfair, so we can't blog that much.

But well. I managed to do some pictures. I will upload some steps etc. in the next weeks.
I'm beginning with a recent picture I drew it a few days ago and I have to say... I'm proud. Even if I see now the mistakes, but well. I will try again and next time, I will do better. This will become a poster for the bookfair. I don't have many posters left from before, so it would be nice to have some new pictures to sell there.
Here have work in progress and the finished picture.
That for the wips, now the finished piece:
Wuhu! I'm very proud of the hair.... I mean... it looks so fluffy!
Hope I can do some more like that. But it seems, that I managed to draw more realistic. It sure isn't perfect, but after all it is a milestone for me!

Thanks for reading.
Have a nice day!

Sonntag, 5. Januar 2014

Influence Map

Today I did an Influence Map and I will show it to you and say some things about it.
Pictures found from Google and Zerochan
So what is there now..
In the first row there is Tekkon Kinkreet and a Screenshot from Ohayo which stands for Satoshi Kons movies.
Tekkon Kinkreet is one of my favorite movies of all time because it is so detailed but at the same time it looks so sketchy. The characters are really different, too. I hope also my style looks one day that free.
I love all movies from Satoshi Kon. They are so special and inspiring. There's nothing more to say.
Second row we have Professor Layton and the 6th One Piece movie, which represents Mamoru Hosoda!
I love Laytons idividual style and that every person looks different, same as Tekkon Kinkreet. i hope I can reach such a variation in characters for my stories too.
Mamoru Hosoda has always such a unique style in his movies which is so light and dynamic at the same time. Bwah, I would kill for such a light and dynamic style.
Last row there a three. The biggest is Inio Asano which is just like GDUZJQWK for me. His Mangas are so awesome and unique. His storytelling is great and he is at the moment one of the biggest inspirations for me.
On the first picture on the right is a Manga by Sorata Akizuki. Jeez, Sorata Akizuki is so great. The backgrounds look so easy and sketchy.. I'm trying to learn that. Also the costumes and clothing in her Mangas are super awesome. I want to draw such detailed clothing one day, too!
Last but not least we have Chika Umino. I love her style and coloring! It's not that fancy but it looks really warm and cute! Hope one day I can do that too, without much effort.

And that was it. It was really hard to chose, because I don't have that much influences since I don't watch much TV/Anime or reading Manga. But those are inspiring and influencing me in some decisions.
But still.. I think the influences are not that great. orz

Well, till next time,

Mittwoch, 1. Januar 2014

Hello 2014!

Hope you all had a good start in a new year!
I definitely had! It was very nice this year. We watched some TV and ate Toast with ham, cheese and tomato. What an important information. Kehe.
So i drew all night, because I wanted to do a picture for the start of 2014.
And then lets go back to 2013! Here I want to show you my summary of.. crap. I had not that much time and inspiration to do my own stuff, so it has many junks and sketches. But well, better than nothing!
So have a nice first day of the new year,